Category Archives: Strong is the new Skinny

Excercises and Stretching to help you feel awesome.

Who said I fell off anything??

Boot camp was not made for summers in my opinion. Week one was OK, week two was great and now I don’t remember when my last workout was. Dun dun dun!!! They were lost in a cloud of bbqs and lounging in the sun, yes a lot of cake was also consumed!


I don’t know what’s worse the fact that I missed a tonne of workouts – we’re talking weeks – or the fact that I don’t even care.
The summer is for hiking, biking, swimming, running and all that good stuff we do outside – working out in a different way.

Well it rained yesterday so back to boot camp and I’m feeling ready and excited again!


Jillian Michaels has an awesome 30 day shred video and it’s on youtube. My fav piece is that it’s only 20mins, and you can choose your level.
My secret motivator’s been sweating away so I’m feeling the pressure to get back to it!

Come join me!

It’s Bootcamp time – And it’s Free!!

Ok it’s time to get serious. Lets get that hot bod that I’ve been dreaming of. But lets be realistic – I’m not going to give up sweets! Not a hope of that happening!

So here’s my challange: to be super fit, super toned and unbelievable happy by the end of the summer. (Happy meaning I’m still getting my chocolate fix) And ofcourse keep it up for ever more.

Bootcamp kicked off 2 weeks ago. The first week was pretty disgusting. Amazing how quickly you can get out of shape. Lets just say I didnt enjoy it. My mind wanted to push on and my body just couldn’t keep up. Felt like a bit of a fail but I kept at it.
Week 2 and I’m feeling pumped.

Bootcamp checklist:

  • Secret motivators *
  • Partner in crime (she keeps me going, puts the pressure on)
  • Homemade programme – Motivator #1 and I made it  🙂
  • Gym mat
  • A lot of loud music.



We decided on a schedule that suits us. I work long hours at the weekend and can’t move by Monday so guess what – Monday’s my day off. We do 4/5 days on and two off. We usually have set days but if we’re exhausted we move them around. The joy of making it yourself.

InsanityMaking a programme is easy, grab a calander and plot away. Our programme is a mixture of Insanity -” Boom” (love this one), P90x (not so sure about yet) and circuit training from either excercises we already know like skipping with my pink skipping rope – yes I finally got one,  or picking a few excercises from each section from this site  and repeat. I’ll throw in some yoga and running into the mix.
Piece of cake – who said cake. Yes I will be eating cake!

8 weeks to kick start a healthy life of great eating and sweating your balls off.

How will I get my hot bod and eat my cake too I hear you ask?

Matilda Chocolate CakeWell . . . . maybe I just don’t have the whole cake every morning for breakfast. I’ll  be trying to eat just enough to curb the cravings but not doing a Matilda on it. Sometimes some berries can do the trick and other healthy alternatives. But my motto is
“Eat what you want and not what you don’t want”. I don’t know how many times I have pollished off a pack of biscuits and still not felt satisfied. And all I wanted was a small yummy bar of Cadbury’s. I spend too much time feeling guilty about eating sweet treats – I’m putting an end to the maddness and enjoying every bite!

I’m hearing that abs are made in the kitchen. I’m putting it to the test.

I’ll keep you updated on killer wins and the most epic fails. I’m two weeks into getting that bouncing bottom back and I’m seeing results already.

So who wants to join me? Did I mention it’s free?

To be totally honest it’s not a bootcamp at all. It’s just working out to a schedule but this is what all the cool kids are calling it I’m told. So lets jump on that band wagon!

Eat Sleep Squat


Strong is the New Skinny!!!

Hot Girl


Feel free to comment here or on FB if you’d like to join me!

Skip Like No One Is Watching

The milestones of Skipping in my life:

The early years: My Dad and I would skip everywhere. He must have looked like a fool or the cutest Dad in the world. We’d skip to the shops, to the swimming pool and laugh as we go.

Still a child years: it got competitive. Who could skip higher, faster. I didn’t always win. We know where my competitive side comes from.

Early teens: I was way too embarrassed to skip with my Dad. I thought I was way too cool for that. (I was not a cool child.) My Father knew this and would egg me on. He loved to embarrass me.

Later teen years: Oh the roles reversed. We were walking to lunch one day and I grabbed my Dad’s hand and started skipping. He was mortified. People were watching. What used to be a Father skipping with his 4 year old little girl then turned into these two adult weirdos skipping into a restaurant. This gave me the best laugh.

Nowadays: At random times I’ll have a wee skip. Instantly my heart will lift. I’ll have that childish lightness about me and I’ll feel good for the rest of the day. I’ll probably have a little chuckle to myself while I’m at it, it feels so good. Yes I realize that people must think I’m strange but they’re not the ones feeling awesome.

This is probably how I’ll break a hip when I’m older.

Now I’m looking at skipping for fitness. The main man Mr. D was telling me about it. During his strength workouts he’ll skip inbetween exercises for one minute.

Every set of exercises I look at these days has skipping incorporated.It has really taken off. I’ve heard about how great skipping  is for you for years. Great for cardio, really tones up the legs and bum but I didn’t pay attention. Now that it’s  the in thing I’m all over it.

Here’s a pic for some stand alone skipping exercises. Or try out doing a minute of skipping in between exercises. I did it this morning and by the 5th set I was feeling it.

Skip To It

To be completely honest with you I don’t even have a skipping rope. It’s on my to do list. But that hasn’t stopped me. I know the actions. I think like Peter Pan and just pretend I have one. Probably isn’t the best but it’s better then not doing it at all. Or saying I’ll do it when I get one which could be next Christmas.

I would like to thank my Dad for introducing skipping into my life.

Next time your out, give it a go, have a little skip. You’ll feel so good.


Photo Link:×3800747/father_and_daughter_6-8_skipping_on_beach_near

Bouncing bottoms

BumsThe best part to a 10k run or similar events is the ladies bottoms. Hands down no argument.  I need my ipod to keep me motivated but the entertainment is all in bootys.

Yes I realize I am sounding very perverted right now and am probably going on a few watch lists as we speak but we all love them right? mmmm apparently not all as much as me but you have a sneaky look!

Despite so many different shapes and sizes, they all have that little bounce as they run.  Men – nahhhh flat, muscly no bounce to it- Boring. Bring on the girls!

I have what is called a Dillon Arse. In my family we have our own breed of bum.  If you are related to the Dillons and didn’t know this about yourself, you are welcome, you now know the name for it! Bootilicious ; some would say.

So to keep our lovely tushes so lovely here’s a quick exercise I’m loving these days. It’s part of my 10 minute workout routine.  

This is for girls and guys. It works your legs and bum. With the ball it will work on your core too.

Ski JumpsNike Training Club

Now that you know what I’m really thinking you might want to run behind me next time. 🙂